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We exist to help those in need of assistance in the arena of suspected paranormal activity. Our goal is to collect and evaluate irrefutable evidence of paranormal phenomena and the presence of ghost activities & other unexplained areas of the paranormal field .


Extremely well versed in the field of paranormal study and investigation. Adapting our unique style, knowledge, sensitivity, extensive equipment use, and detailed data analysis, we are committed to providing the optimum investigation.


We also discuss in full length at our regular meeting about different forms of the paranormal, what part religion plays on the paranormal as well as our own experiences. We are always open for new investigators.



The NightWish Paranormal Society has a collaboration of 35 years investigating the unknown. The two founders started out in Southern California at a very young age and continue to this day.


We as a team are always learning from the world around us. We come from many different backgrounds, religions and or faiths:










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